eZiControl developed the Smart Locker electronics for iLED. The smart lockers are a great example of how i4 Group companies have collaborated to produce a solution for a customer.

The system comprises individual stackable lockers with a control cubicle – all powered by battery backed Impro access control system from G4S. Locker control is bus based with RS485 communications to the Impro Controller running the Impro protocol. Electronics designed by eZi-Control to allow the access control system direct communication to the lockers for door status, door control, 2 x RFID asset locations  and LED user indication.

An intelligent lock with door monitor and spring open mechanism plus 2 x NFC RFID readers are located in each locker. A 3 color LED provides status indication of the Locker. Each RFID reader has an internal 3 color LED to indicate positive identification and correct location of asset in the locker.

The lockers are deployed across mine sites in South Africa and have proven a success in securing high value assets issued to staff and contractors.

The design brief was to provide a system for issuing, controlling and management of assets to staff and contractors. The lockers are integrated into the access control system to provide a record of what asset (identfied by NFC RFID tag) was issued to whom (identified by Access Control Biometrics). Staff and contractors are issued with the equipment by going to the locker area, identifying at the biometric terminal and the correct asset type will be issued by a specific locker opening. The link between asset and user is recorded. When the asset is removed, this is recorded as proof that the user has taken the asset. When the asset is returned, the user presents at the locker biometric terminal, the correct locker opens and the user returns the asset. Only a complete set of the correct serial number assets and a closed door will conclude the transaction. This intellegence can be used to further control the user – an example is to prevent exit at the access boom if the assets are not returned.